
Showing posts from 2019

A Final Reflection on My Learning

I would like to welcome you back to my Math blog... For the very last time... We have finally approached the end of the semester, and I feel as though I have grown so much in regard to how I feel about teaching mathematics. I have learned new activities through both lectures and through my peers math activity presentations and now have so many new activity ideas that I can implement in my classroom when I am a teacher. Not only did I learn a variety of new information and techniques, but I also had so much fun being in this class. The activity presentations were always very engaging and it was fun to be able to work with our peers and work on the activities together. The last few classes were spent working on developing a math lesson plan, either individually or with a peer. I chose to work with a peer, and since we are both in an intermediate classroom for our internship, we decided to create a grade 7 lesson plan for measurement.  I would be lying if I ...

A Mathematical reflection on my Learning Week 9

I would once again like to welcome you all BACK to my math blog :) Although the past few weeks have been very busy, they have also taught me a lot. I continue to learn through my mistakes, feedback, and peers in all of my classes. As the weeks go on, I am becoming more and more comfortable with the thought of teaching during my internship and have actually become very excited! In regard to my math class, I still continue to learn more and more useful mathematic tools and techniques through both my instructor and my peers. I reflect on how grateful I am going to be when I am looking for new ideas for math lessons, and can look back on my peers learning activity presentations for inspiration and ideas.  One topic we focussed in on in the past two weeks was coordinates and coordinate sheets ! coordinate sheets allow student to work on their plotting skills but can also be made super fun and engaging through...

A Reflection on my Learning Nov. 7

Welcome Back Everyone...  As we are reaching the end of the semester, I have been really spending some time reflecting back on all the useful strategies we have learned thus far. The many strategies that we have been learning continue to be not only engaging but exciting! I still am finding the math presentations to be extremely helpful and useful. My fellow teacher associates continue to bring creative math lesson ideas to class that I will definitely use to inspire my lesson plans in the future. My math activity presentation is approaching and I hope I am able to follow by example! Westway Junior School. (n.d.). Retrieved from  When reflecting on the activities that we have done as a class over the past couple of weeks, I begin to think of the 21 Loop Cards Math activity that we did at the start of our week 6 class. At the beginning of our class each of us was handed a card that read "I hav...

A Reflection on my Learning... Post 2: October 10, 2019

Welcome Back to my Math Blog! I would just like to start off by welcoming you all back to my math blog. I hope everyone reading this successfully survived through September, and is looking forward to what is to come in the following months just as I am! I hope everyone has been having a great experience thus far whether it be in your classes or in your new placement experience!  I have found this past month to be extremely rewarding and also very educational, especially in our math class. One specific thing that I have found to be extremely helpful and engaging are the math activity presentations that we get to watch each week. Regardless of whether or not it is me up there teaching, I have found them to really increase my comfort level in regard to teaching. These presentations provide me with creative ideas that I can use either in my placement or when I actually am teaching one day. I have been keeping each of the handouts in a safe spot so that I can look back on th...

A Reflection on my Learning

A Reflection on my Learning Throughout this mathematics course so far, I have learned a variety of tools and activities that I can use in my future classroom. I have really enjoyed the collaborative aspect that has been seen in the majority of our mathematics problem solving activities. Working with peers has helped me tremendously with my mathematics skills as sharing problem solving ideas with peers really helps my thinking process. One activity that I really found useful in class was the gallery walk activity. What is 'The Gallery Walk'? A Gallery walk is when smaller groups of students work together to solve problems collaboratively. When applied to math, students are given a problem to solve and must do so by showing their whole thinking process and all of their work. When finished, students are given the opportunity to walk around and view how other groups solved the problems and presented their work. After some critical observa...
Welcome Everyone To My Math Blog! My Name is Nicole Simioni, a current teacher candidate at Brock University. Some of my passions include education, working with children, health, fitness, and the environment. Since this is my math blog, I will be posting all things math related. I will be blogging about different math strategies, activities, strategies for success, and how to make math engaging for all students! Through this course I hope to learn how to effectively teach math inside my classroom. I hope to learn new teaching strategies, collaboration activities, and how to make math engaging for my students. I hope to become more comfortable with math curriculum documents and also become more  confident with teaching math in general. Thank you for visiting my first blog post. I invite you all to continue visiting my blog and read about all things math and education! :)